B-IncStrDB ID: 3392EBsfnU Entry date: 2010-11-08 Last revision: 2021-12-12
Structural Formula Sum: Ba1 F4 Mn1 [ Help ]
Formula weight: 268.3 Da [ Help ]
Crystal system: monoclinic [ Help ]
Superspace group name: X21(1/21/2γ)0 [ Help ]
Symmetry operations of the superspace group: (Show/hide table) [ Help ]
Operation code | Operation in algebraic form |
1 | x1,x2,x3,x4 |
2 | -x1,-x2,x3+1/2,-x1-x2+x4 |
3 | x1+1/2,x2+1/2,x3,x4+1/2 |
4 | -x1+1/2,-x2+1/2,x3+1/2,-x1-x2+x4+1/2 |
a: 4.198368(14) Å [ Help ]
b: 15.05560(10) Å [ Help ]
c: 6.00025(2) Å [ Help ]
α: 90 ° [ Help ]
β: 90 ° [ Help ]
γ: 90.0853(2) ° [ Help ]
Volume: 379.269(3) Å3 [ Help ]
Modulation dimension: 1 [ Help ]
Measured independent wave vectors: (Show/hide table) [ Help ]
Wave vector id | q_x | q_y | q_z |
1 | 0.50000 | 0.50000 | 0.39487 |
Z: 4 [ Help ]
Cell determination reflection Nb.: 3614 [ Help ]
θ(min) for cell determination: 2.6751 ° [ Help ]
θ(max) for cell determination: 36.7821 ° [ Help ]
Cell measurement temperature: 10 K [ Help ]
μ: 13.406 mm-1 [ Help ]
Minimum transmission factor: 0.218 [ Help ]
Maximum transmission factor: 0.338 [ Help ]
Absorption correction type: gaussian [ Help ]
Absorption correction remarks: CrysAlis RED, Oxford Diffraction Ltd., Version (release 10-01-2008 CrysAlis171 .NET) (compiled Jan 10 2008,16:37:18) Numerical absorption correction based on gaussian integration over a multifaceted crystal model [ Help ]
Experimental remarks: Low temperature measurement; Helijet Oxford diffraction [ Help ]
Refinement remarks: Refined in four dimensional space, non-standard setting Twinned crystal: Twin matrix (1 0 0, 0 -1 0, 0 0 1) Crenel function for Ba-atom Inversion twinning tested—Flack parameter 0 [ Help ]
Total nb. of reflections: 6397 [ Help ]
Nb. of observed reflections: 5653 [ Help ]
Intense reflections threshold: I>3σ(I) [ Help ]
Refinement based on: F [ Help ]
R(obs): 0.0416 [ Help ]
wR(obs): 0.0488 [ Help ]
R(all): 0.0485 [ Help ]
wR(all): 0.0496 [ Help ]
S(all): 1.76 [ Help ]
S(obs): 1.84 [ Help ]
Nb. of reflections: 6397 [ Help ]
Nb. of parameters: 89 [ Help ]
Number of constraints: 4 [ Help ]
Weighting scheme: sigma [ Help ]
Weighting scheme remarks: w=1/(σ2(F)+0.0001F2) [ Help ]
Δ/σ(max): 0.0134 [ Help ]
Δ/σ(mean): 0.0035 [ Help ]
Δρ(max): 5.19 e_Å-3 [ Help ]
Δρ(min): -5.71 e_Å-3 [ Help ]
Extinction method: B-C type 1 Gaussian isotropic (Becker & Coppens, 1974) [ Help ]
Extinction coefficient: 20(17) [ Help ]
Absolute structure remarks: Inversion twin tested [ Help ]
Average Structure: (Show/hide table) [ Help ]
Atom site label | Atom symbol | x | y | z | ADP type | Uiso/equiv | Symmetry multiplicity | Occupancy | Coords from (d)iffraction or (c)alculated | Coords restraints or constraints | Disordered cluster | Disordered group |
Ba1 | Ba | 0.5036(5) | 0.33738(4) | 0.44756(15) | Uani | 0.00334(6) | 4 | 0.644(3) | d | ? | ? | ? |
Ba2 | Ba | 0.5036(5) | 0.3538(2) | 0.48008(18) | Uani | 0.00334(6) | 4 | 0.356(3) | d | ? | ? | ? |
Mn | Mn | 0.0037(5) | 0.41624(5) | 0 | Uiso | 0.00329(13) | 4 | 1 | d | ? | ? | ? |
F1 | F | -0.0002(11) | 0.33707(18) | 0.7195(5) | Uiso | 0.0071(6) | 4 | 1 | d | ? | ? | ? |
F2 | F | -0.0012(9) | 0.2997(2) | 0.1958(4) | Uiso | 0.0057(5) | 4 | 1 | d | ? | ? | ? |
F3 | F | -0.0042(7) | 0.4639(2) | 0.3368(4) | Uiso | 0.0078(5) | 4 | 1 | d | ? | ? | ? |
F4 | F | 0.5021(9) | 0.42167(18) | 0.0197(4) | Uiso | 0.0071(5) | 4 | 1 | d | ? | ? | ? |
ADP components: (Show/hide table) [ Help ]
Atom site label | Atom site symbol | U11 | U22 | U33 | U12 | U13 | U23 |
Ba1 | Ba | 0.00274(12) | 0.00334(12) | 0.00395(9) | 0.00047(13) | 0.00036(15) | 0.00085(9) |
Ba2 | Ba | 0.00274(12) | 0.00334(12) | 0.00395(9) | 0.00047(13) | 0.00036(15) | 0.00085(9) |
Fourier Wave Vectors (explicit: q_x,q_y,q_z or coefficients: q_1,q_2,...): (Show/hide table) [ Help ]
Wave vector code | q_x | q_y | q_z |
1 | 0.50000 | 0.50000 | 0.39487 |
2 | 1.00000 | 1.00000 | 0.78974 |
Occupation crenel coefficients: (Show/hide table) [ Help ]
Atom site label | Center (x0) | Width |
Ba1 | 0.4311(11) | 0.644(3) |
Ba2 | 0.9524(11) | 0.356(3) |
Definition of the displacive (translational) Fourier series: (Show/hide table) [ Help ]
Modulation code | Atom site label | Displacement axis | Wave vector code |
Ba1x1 | Ba1 | x | 1 |
Ba1y1 | Ba1 | y | 1 |
Ba1z1 | Ba1 | z | 1 |
Ba1x2 | Ba1 | x | 2 |
Ba1y2 | Ba1 | y | 2 |
Ba1z2 | Ba1 | z | 2 |
Ba2x1 | Ba2 | x | 1 |
Ba2y1 | Ba2 | y | 1 |
Ba2z1 | Ba2 | z | 1 |
Ba2x2 | Ba2 | x | 2 |
Ba2y2 | Ba2 | y | 2 |
Ba2z2 | Ba2 | z | 2 |
Mnx1 | Mn | x | 1 |
Mny1 | Mn | y | 1 |
Mnz1 | Mn | z | 1 |
Mnx2 | Mn | x | 2 |
Mny2 | Mn | y | 2 |
Mnz2 | Mn | z | 2 |
F1x1 | F1 | x | 1 |
F1y1 | F1 | y | 1 |
F1z1 | F1 | z | 1 |
F1x2 | F1 | x | 2 |
F1y2 | F1 | y | 2 |
F1z2 | F1 | z | 2 |
F2x1 | F2 | x | 1 |
F2y1 | F2 | y | 1 |
F2z1 | F2 | z | 1 |
F2x2 | F2 | x | 2 |
F2y2 | F2 | y | 2 |
F2z2 | F2 | z | 2 |
F3x1 | F3 | x | 1 |
F3y1 | F3 | y | 1 |
F3z1 | F3 | z | 1 |
F3x2 | F3 | x | 2 |
F3y2 | F3 | y | 2 |
F3z2 | F3 | z | 2 |
F4x1 | F4 | x | 1 |
F4y1 | F4 | y | 1 |
F4z1 | F4 | z | 1 |
F4x2 | F4 | x | 2 |
F4y2 | F4 | y | 2 |
F4z2 | F4 | z | 2 |
Displacive (translational) Fourier coefficients: (Show/hide table) [ Help ]
Modulation code | Cosine coefficient | Sine coefficient |
Ba1x1 | 0.0056(6) | -0.0044(5) |
Ba1y1 | 0 | -0.00091(9) |
Ba1z1 | 0.01414(18) | -0.00612(17) |
Ba1x2 | 0 | -0.0112(6) |
Ba1y2 | -0.00380(7) | 0 |
Ba1z2 | 0 | 0 |
Ba2x1 | 0 | 0 |
Ba2y1 | 0 | -0.0123(3) |
Ba2z1 | 0 | 0.0316(14) |
Ba2x2 | -0.0088(7) | 0.0071(7) |
Ba2y2 | 0.0059(3) | 0 |
Ba2z2 | 0 | -0.0271(10) |
Mnx1 | -0.0078(2) | 0.00296(18) |
Mny1 | 0 | 0.00121(5) |
Mnz1 | 0.00298(11) | 0 |
Mnx2 | 0 | 0 |
Mny2 | 0.00068(11) | -0.00443(7) |
Mnz2 | 0.00418(13) | 0 |
F1x1 | -0.0121(8) | 0.0260(7) |
F1y1 | -0.0081(2) | -0.0054(2) |
F1z1 | 0.0097(4) | 0.0047(5) |
F1x2 | 0 | 0 |
F1y2 | -0.0018(2) | 0.0046(2) |
F1z2 | -0.0054(5) | -0.0080(5) |
F2x1 | -0.0417(8) | -0.0225(8) |
F2y1 | 0 | 0.0031(2) |
F2z1 | 0 | 0.0047(5) |
F2x2 | 0 | 0 |
F2y2 | 0.0024(2) | -0.0034(2) |
F2z2 | 0.0093(5) | 0.0039(5) |
F3x1 | 0.0470(8) | 0.0341(8) |
F3y1 | -0.0034(2) | 0 |
F3z1 | 0.0074(5) | 0.0053(5) |
F3x2 | 0 | 0 |
F3y2 | 0.0045(2) | 0.0035(2) |
F3z2 | -0.0055(5) | 0 |
F4x1 | 0.0024(7) | 0 |
F4y1 | 0.0120(3) | -0.0217(3) |
F4z1 | -0.0133(6) | -0.0344(5) |
F4x2 | 0 | 0 |
F4y2 | 0 | 0.0048(3) |
F4z2 | 0 | -0.0039(5) |