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Wyckoff Positions of the 3D Crystallographic Point Group D4h(4/mmm)

MultiplicityLetterSite SymmetryCoordinates
16 g 1 (x,y,z) (-x,-y,z) (-y,x,z) (y,-x,z) (-x,y,-z) (x,-y,-z) (y,x,-z) (-y,-x,-z) (-x,-y,-z) (x,y,-z) (y,-x,-z) (-y,x,-z) (x,-y,z) (-x,y,z) (-y,-x,z) (y,x,z)
8 f .m. (x,0,z) (-x,0,z) (0,x,z) (0,-x,z) (-x,0,-z) (x,0,-z) (0,x,-z) (0,-x,-z)
8 e ..m (x,x,z) (-x,-x,z) (-x,x,z) (x,-x,z) (-x,x,-z) (x,-x,-z) (x,x,-z) (-x,-x,-z)
8 d m.. (x,y,0) (-x,-y,0) (-y,x,0) (y,-x,0) (-x,y,0) (x,-y,0) (y,x,0) (-y,-x,0)
4 c m2m. (x,0,0) (-x,0,0) (0,x,0) (0,-x,0)
4 b m.m2 (x,x,0) (-x,-x,0) (-x,x,0) (x,-x,0)
2 a 4mm (0,0,z) (0,0,-z)
1 o 4/mmm (0,0,0)

Wyckoff position and site symmetry group of a specific point

Specify the point by its relative coordinates (in fractions or decimals)
Variable parameters (x,y,z) are also accepted
x =      y =      z =

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